Training Leagues

We can be part of your story, and you can be part of our. Let’s make the world a better place through technology.
We have designed an integral training program called Training Leagues, which seeks to develop people’s talent through a holistic education process and share better practices to contribute to technology challenges.
Empower and Accelerate Your IT Talents
Learn more about Training Leagues:

If you are applying, you must only apply to one training league. If you apply to more than one league, we will not accept your application.

Software Development
You are going to get important skills and knowledge about software development in an enterprise and professional environment. Empower yourself and become the best Full Stack developer:
- Back end development (Java, NodeJS, and others).
- Front end development (Typescript, Javascript, and others).
- Back and front frameworks.
- Cloud computing and Devops.
- Agile Mindset.

You are going to get important skills and knowledge about software testing in an enterprise and professional environment. Empower yourself and become the best Software Engineer in Test:
- Back end development (Java).
- Quality automation
- Automation frameworks.
- Quality testing software.
- Devops
- Agile Mindset.

Scrum Master
You are going to get important skills and knowledge about team leadership for product development. Empower yourself and become the best Scrum Master:
- Scrum and kanban.
- Products, projects and strategy co-creation and brainstorming process.
- High performance teams and environment development.

Product Owner
You are going to get important skills and knowledge about technology solutions projects. Empower yourself and become the best Product Owner:
- Industry, organizations and business models
- Processes
- Product evolutionary planning and strategy
- Evaluation, value management and return on investment

Software Development
In this league you will be empowered to become a great Full Stack developer. Here, you will learn how to develop software in a professional and entrepreneurial way. Among the topics we will cover are:
- Back End Development
- Front End Development
- Clean and Reactive Architectures
- Cloud Computing and DevOps
- Agile Mindset or Agilism

Software Development
In this Training League you will enhance your abilities as a software developer and you will take your skills to another level. You will also strengthen your talent with the latest technologies and practices. Among the topics we will cover are:
- Clean Programming
- Unit Test – TDD
- Relational and non-relational databases
- Functional Programming
- Front End Development (JS-Angular)
Data Analytics
In this league you will learn in different phases of both BI (Business Intelligence) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), based on the methodology of CRISP-DM which are:
- Business Understanding
- Data Understanding
- Data Preparation
- Modeling
- Evaluation

Manual Testing

Software Development
In this Training League you will enhance your abilities as a software developer and you will take your skills to another level. You will also strengthen your talent with the latest technologies and practices. Among the topics we will cover are:
- Clean Programming
- Unit Test – TDD
- Relational and non-relational databases
- Functional Programming
- Front End Development (JS-Angular)

Software Development
In this league you will be empowered to become a great Full Stack developer. Here, you will learn how to develop software in a professional and entrepreneurial way. Among the topics we will cover are:
- Back End Development
- Front End Development
- Clean and Reactive Architectures
- Cloud Computing and DevOps
- Agile Mindset or Agilism

Software Development
In this Training League you will enhance your abilities as a software developer and you will take your skills to another level. You will also strengthen your talent with the latest technologies and practices. Among the topics we will cover are:
- Clean Programming
- Unit Test – TDD
- Relational and non-relational databases
- Functional Programming
- Front End Development (JS-Angular)
Admission Process

Your story begins with knowing your capabilities. For this reason, we created an admission process that involves the presentation of human and technical competences:


Let’s meet

Let’s talk

Technical challenge

Essential skills assessment

English validation

Program admission
Your Story, Your decision

Discover other travelers’ stories who decided to change their lives at SofkaU.
Frequently Asked Questions

If you decided to change your life story with us, surely you’ll have a lot of questions, so we are going to answer some of them:

¿Qué son los Training Leagues?
Son espacios de educación no formal donde buscamos personas apasionadas por el mundo de la programación y la tecnología. Si sabes programar, así sea por iniciativa propia, y has descubierto en este mundo eso que te apasiona, puedes participar. Está abierto a todo tipo de tecnologías que desarrolles.
¿En qué momento puedo postularme?
Puedes postularte en cualquier momento del año, indicando el ciclo del cual quieres ser parte. Durante el 2022 tendremos inicio de ligas cada mes y medio.
¿Cuánto dura el proceso de formación?
El proceso de entrenamiento tiene una duración de 3 meses.
¿Debo tener disponibilidad de horario permanente?
Si quieres sacar realmente provecho al proceso, la respuesta es SI, nuestros procesos de formación requieren disponibilidad en el horario de Lunes a viernes de 7:30am a 5:30pm, por lo cual tendrás unos horarios de clases definidos y trabajos que realizar y cumplir.