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What are the “Canteras Sofka U”?

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“Canteras Sofka U” is a training program designed to level up technical skills from future software developers and test automators who can get into a stepwise formation process that allows them to gain the abilities they need to be part of the Sofka U Training Leages. This will give them the opportunity to start working at one of our coorporate group’s companies.

We have the following levels:

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The “Canteras Sofka U” program has two levels for you:

Level 1: Designed for apprentices with beginners knowledge, which means they are starting on the world of technology, but they find passion for solving problems and transforming realities.

Level 2: This level is for apprentices with an intermediate level of knowledge. They know the basics to solve technological problems, which means they have basic knowledge for back and front programming.

How do the “Canteras Sofka U” work?

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The “Canteras” apprentices can improve their technical skills in a short period of time. Each level has a 6 weeks duration where each week they have lessons, quizzes and workshops that help evaluate skills and program development.

For an apprentice that has a basic knowledge and wants to start their formation from level one, we have something similar to the following, based on the program’s more relevant formative descriptors:

By the end of level 2, the best apprentices are selected to be evaluated for their essential skills, so they can get into the regular Sofka U Training Leagues.

How Can You be Part of The “Canteras Sofka U” Program?

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It is very easy to be part of this big knowledge community. To be part of the “Canteras” you must follow the next steps:
1. Register in one of our Sofka U Training Leagues programs. Click here to register.
2. Start the regular Sofka U selection process.
3. Present the quizzes that will allow us to evaluate your knowledge and know your level. This will help us place you on level 1 or level 2 programs.
4. That’s all! Our team of dream connectors and purpose will contact you.

Please keep in mind the following:

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  • “Cantera” programs have no cost. But to be part of them, you must register.
  • The level 1 program is for beginners, and they are evaluated by an expert mentor. The evaluation can define the continuity of the formative process for level 2.
  • The level 2 program is for people with intermediate knowledge level and are evaluated by an expert mentor. The evaluation can define the continuity of the formative process for regular Training Leagues.
  • It is possible to retake the level, but you must start from the begging.
  • Formation is not paid, different from Sofka U Training Leagues.
  • For level 1, it is required to have computing basic skills and candidates must know telematic tools, have Internet access and a good computer.
  • For level 2, it is necessary to have an approach to programming language, have computing skills and software development tools.
  • If you make it through both levels, that doesn’t mean you are selected for the Training. You must go through the selection process that Sofka U has for getting into the regular Sofka U Traning Leagues.

Frequently Asked Questions

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¿Qué son los Training Leagues?

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Son espacios de educación no formal donde buscamos personas apasionadas por el mundo de la programación y la tecnología. Si sabes programar, así sea por iniciativa propia, y has descubierto en este mundo eso que te apasiona, puedes participar. Está abierto a todo tipo de tecnologías que desarrolles.

¿En qué momento puedo postularme?

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Puedes postularte en cualquier momento del año, indicando el ciclo del cual quieres ser parte. Durante el 2022 tendremos inicio de ligas cada mes y medio.

¿Cuánto dura el proceso de formación?

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El proceso de entrenamiento tiene una duración de 3 meses.

¿Debo tener disponibilidad de horario permanente?

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Si quieres sacar realmente provecho al proceso, la respuesta es SI, nuestros procesos de formación requieren disponibilidad en el horario de Lunes a viernes de 7:30am a 5:30pm, por lo cual tendrás unos horarios de clases definidos y trabajos que realizar y cumplir.